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Hypnotherapy for Motivation

We all experience from time to time lack of motivation. No matter how good our intentions are, how important the task is, how urgent it is; we can sometimes lose the drive to see it through to the end. Motivational Hypnosis can help you to become more motivated. Often the reason why we don’t achieve, or fall by the wayside…

Hypnotherapy For Binge Drinking

Drinking To Relax Or To Escape? Drinking to relax and drinking to escape are two different intentions that bring with them different outcomes and consequences. To relax usually takes 2 to 3 glasses of alcohol as to escape from one’s thoughts and emotions can take a lot more. Binge drinkers drink to get into a state where they are numb and…

How Hypnosis Changes Eating Habits

Unlike diets which reduce calories that are likely to be put back on again, weight loss hypnotherapy brings awareness to the triggers and what drives the person to eat unconsciously. Hypnotherapy can help the type of person that struggles to stop after a small piece of chocolate and feels compelled to finish the whole packet. “Hypnotherapy can also help people…

Hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotist & hypnotherapist: what do they all mean?

Hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotist & hypnotherapist: what do they all mean?  People have been entering hypnotic–type trances for thousands and thousands of years. But the scientific concept of hypnotism wasn’t born until the late 1700s. The father of modern hypnotism is Franz Mesmer, an Austrian physician. Hypnosis was formerly known as mesmerism, after Mesmer, and we still use its derivative,’ mesmerise…

Sugar Addiction Hypnotherapy

Can sugar addiction hypnotherapy stop you eating too much sugar? Sugar addiction affects a large percentage of the population of the western world. Millions and millions of people are addicted to sugar to some extent. Many who do not think they are sugar addicts would, in fact, find it very difficult to abstain from eating sugar for a few days.…

New Year Resolutions 2017

New Years’ resolutions are a conscious decision or in most cases wish full thinking made by millions of people to change their ways for the better. Why the majority of well-meaning people will fail to follow through with their good intentions is mainly due to not harnessing or understanding the power of the subconscious mind. Statistics from 2016 Showed only…

How Hypnotherapy Is So Successful

Hypnotherapy is the focused attention of the mind, inducing a relaxed, receptive state of consciousness where we can explore the deeper levels of the subconscious that drive our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Many of our choices in life are made by our logical conscious mind, but they are being driven by the past impressions and beliefs within the subconscious mind.…

What is Hypnosis? Q & A

What is hypnosis?  Hypnosis is a natural state of selective, focused attention. The state of hypnosis can be compared to daydreaming and when we are absorbed in a good book or movie. As we focus on the movie, there are times we can forget we are in the cinema and easily absorb and take in the movie. How is it…