Hypnotherapy is the focused attention of the mind, inducing a relaxed, receptive state of consciousness where we can explore the deeper levels of the subconscious that drive our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Many of our choices in life are made by our logical conscious mind, but they are being driven by the past impressions and beliefs within the subconscious mind.
Deeply held beliefs at the subconscious level can make it very difficult to overcome habits, behaviours and addictions.
The subconsciously held limiting beliefs can undermine our conscious minds attempts no matter how much willpower we apply.
We can respond to our subconscious urges and drives with little awareness of the source of these promptings. Hypnotherapy is an effective technique in bypassing the subconscious controls of our mind and accessing our inner resources so as we can make the needed changes in resolving unwanted past behaviour patterns.
Hypnotherapy works on many levels:
Discovering the subconscious drives of irrational beliefs and behaviours
Release of repressed emotions and outdated subconscious beliefs
Reprogramming and subconsciously relearning new and more beneficial beliefs.
With Hypnotherapy and visualisation techniques, we can begin to change the brains neuron pathways. Scientists at the frontier of brain science have recently discovered that the human brain can change itself. That the brain was able to change its very structure with certain activities.
They began to call this fundamental brain property “neuroplasticity”. Neuron is for “neuron” the nerve cells in our brains and nervous system. Plastic is for “changeable, malleable, modifiable”.
With the right techniques and thoughts processes, humans can rewire their brains to cure previously incurable addictions, behaviours and patterns.
Our brain has the tremendous capacity for recovery, repair and change.
Through evidence-based hypnosis, you can overcome issues such as:
food addictions
weight issues
pain control
fears and phobias
stress and anxiety
panic attacks
social anxiety
public speaking
sexual assault
migraines and headaches
study and exams
memory retention
self esteem
irritable bowel syndrome
sports motivation
performance enhancement
other stress related issues