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How hypnosis helps mums maintain a healthier lifestyle

How hypnosis helps mums maintain a healthier lifestyle

When you’re a mother, trying to find any me-time can be a lost cause, let alone more me-time! Do you sometimes reminisce about the times in your life when YOU were your priority? When you had time to go to the gym, enjoy an early morning run or bike ride on the weekends? When life wasn’t so busy and you…

Stress Management Hypnotherapy

Stress Management Hypnotherapy

Why Stress Management Matters The relentless pace of modern life exerts a considerable toll on our mental and emotional health. Stressors ranging from workplace demands to complex personal relationships contribute to a background of constant pressure. Conventional coping mechanisms, such as substance use, over-eating, smoking, binge-watching TV or indulgent spending, offer momentary relief but often morph into a long-term stressful…

Why have a Life Coach?

Why have a Life Coach?

Unlocking Your Potential With Life Coaching The concept of a Life Coach might seem strange to you, but it’s been rapidly gaining traction over the past few years. No longer a trendy buzzword, Life Coaching has established itself as a powerful catalyst for change, helping countless people in their quests for balance, clarity and success in their lives. Whilst often…

Hypnotherapy for Teenagers

Hypnotherapy for Teenagers

Unlocking the Potential of Hypnotherapy in Young Minds Hypnotherapy offers remarkable benefits for people of all age groups, particularly for teenagers navigating the complexities of approaching adulthood. With the pressures and challenges of adolescence, hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can be used to address and overcome a variety of habitual and behavioural issues. It operates on the principle that…

How Sports Performance Hypnotherapy Works

How Sports Performance Hypnotherapy Works

The Power of the Mind in Sports Performance Athletes often find their biggest challenge isn’t their physical capability but their mental resilience. Mental blocks, fear of failure, performance anxiety, limiting self-beliefs, and subconscious barriers often stop athletes from reaching, performing, and maintaining their full potential in competitive situations. These types of challenges can hinder your progress, no matter how much…

How Hypnotherapy Can Help With Exam Pressure

Year 12 is a highly stressful time for many students. In fact, a survey of Year 12 students from a range of schools in Sydney showed how mentally & physically unhealthy life is for the students. Of the 722 students surveyed, 42% registered high-level anxiety symptoms, high enough to be deemed a clinical concern. Of the total studied group, 16%…

Why Some Behaviours Are Hard To Change

Sometimes changing a habitual behaviour that we are not happy with can be difficult especially if there is a secondary gain. Secondary gain is where an apparent negative or problematic behaviour provides a positive or beneficial result in some way. For example, smoking is not healthy but may help the person to relax or interact socially. Perhaps a person has…

Hypnotherapy for Motivation

We all experience from time to time lack of motivation. No matter how good our intentions are, how important the task is, how urgent it is; we can sometimes lose the drive to see it through to the end. Motivational Hypnosis can help you to become more motivated. Often the reason why we don’t achieve, or fall by the wayside…

Hypnotherapy For Binge Drinking

Drinking To Relax Or To Escape? Drinking to relax and drinking to escape are two different intentions that bring with them different outcomes and consequences. To relax usually takes 2 to 3 glasses of alcohol as to escape from one’s thoughts and emotions can take a lot more. Binge drinkers drink to get into a state where they are numb and…

How Hypnosis Changes Eating Habits

Unlike diets which reduce calories that are likely to be put back on again, weight loss hypnotherapy brings awareness to the triggers and what drives the person to eat unconsciously. Hypnotherapy can help the type of person that struggles to stop after a small piece of chocolate and feels compelled to finish the whole packet. “Hypnotherapy can also help people…