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Hypnosis Research Facts

Hypnotherapy is one of the most effective methods for change available in the world today.

This is supported by numerous studies world wide.

Did you know that in a survey of psychotherapy literature by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. the following recovery rates were revealed:

  • Hypnotherapy 93% Recovery after 6 sessions
  • Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
  • Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions

Source: American Health Magazine

People use hypnosis for a wide variety of issues – it has proven itself over 100’s of years as an amazingly effective method for effecting personal change:

Free yourself from the smoking habit –

After an exhaustive research project, NewScientist magazine identified hypnosis as the most effective way to quit smoking.

Finally loose the weight you’ve so wanted to loose –

Clinical research has shown that hypnosis makes keeping weight off over the long term far more likely to occur.
In fact follow ups over 8 months and 2 years showed significant additional weight loss, and hypnotic clients achieved and maintained their personal weight goals in comparison with those who had just dieted – who showed little improvement.

Freedom from stress, and all its side effects-

For the treatment of stress, hypnosis has been called “the most potent non-pharmacological relaxing agent known to science” by Dr Gérard Sunnen of the New York University School of Medicine. He will prescribe hypnosis before prescribing a tranquilizer.

What can hypnosis do for you?

These are just a few examples of the research thats been done on hypnosis.
The fact is that a huge amount of research and clinical study has taken place and hypnosis continues to defy the odds and come up trumps where other methods have failed.

We’re wondering how will you use your new understanding of this amazing, natural and powerful tool to experience less of the things you dont’t want in your life and more of the things you do!

It has been said that life is too short to waste!

  • The elimination of phobias and fears.
  • The elimination of anxiety.
  • Confidence issues.
  • Insomnia.
  • Pre and post-natal hypnosis for a beautiful birth experience.
  • Depression
  • Stop Smoking.
  • Weight loss.
  • Stress management.
  • Stage fright & public speaking.
  • Fears.
  • Blushing.
  • Self-esteem issues.
  • Stammering.
  • I.B.S irritable bowel
  • Past life regression to heal the past.
  • Freedom from trauma.

What is NLP?

NLP is a leading edge approach to personal change and the pursuit of excellence. When used in therapy, it provides immediately useful and effective techniques, often providing solutions where other methods have failed. It is often light hearted, very engaging and interactive.

100,000’s of people have genuinely and dramatically improved the quality of their lives with NLP. NLP can be used as an adjunct to any area of life – we use it for therapy and coaching purposes. The results can be truly outstanding.