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No Need To Be In Denial

When changing a habit, it is important not to deny anything you might like about the old outdated habit because it can create unnecessary conflict in the mind. As an example, a person who is changing their habit of drinking alcohol can admit they enjoy drinking alcohol but equally, acknowledge that drinking too much is not healthy. To find a…

Controling Alcohol through Hypnotherapy

Drinking can start off with just a few drinks here and there to take the edge off, but then it can get too easy to go for the bottle more often. While alcohol is an accepted social lubricant, it is most definitely not a healthy solution to anyone’s problems. Balance is best, and the majority rule is that 2 or…

Can I be Hypnotised?

Many people wonder can I be hypnotised? The experience of Hypnosis is an ordinary everyday human experience. Whenever we daydream, and our conscious mind drifts off or is distracted, that is hypnosis. In classrooms, teachers would be continuously redirecting students attention to the board, so the lesson would hopefully sink into their subconscious mind. Whenever a student is caught gazing…

Weight loss or Healthy balance Hypnotherapy

The way we communicate to ourselves (internal dialogue) can make the difference in how we feel act and behave. For instance, if I am thinking to myself, ” I am now on a diet and am losing weight.” Compared to, ” I am focused on balance healthy eating and becoming lighter.” The words, losing weight and diet, can bring feelings…

Life Coaching

Life coaching helps you to close the gap between where you are and where they want to be. An effective life coach assists you in discovering what is truly important to you, what, if anything, is missing in your life, and what outcomes you are seeking. Your life coach will ask questions, reflect back what they hear, challenge inconsistencies and…

Don’t Take Weight Loss Personally

Don’t take weight loss personally In my clinic, I point out that the unbalanced behaviours and habits are a reaction to an unbalanced, unmaintainable cycle. The cycle is created in an attempt to lose weight as quickly as possible. Even if the cycle is effective short term, it creates unbalanced behaviours long term. If the person identifies with the unbalanced…

Balance is a Beautiful thing

Balance is a Beautiful thing When we get the balance right, we can enjoy the best of both worlds. Whether it be drinking two to three glasses of alcohol on the weekends socially or with a meal or occasionally eating sweet foods. For instance with the alcohol, we enjoy the relaxed feelings of two to three glasses and remain in…

Natural Helpful New Choices

Hypnotherapy is helpful because a lot of what influences the choices we make is due to the way we think, act and behave. The way we think, act and behave is directed by the subconscious mind. Once aware of our influences we can then change and have a new choice become an ongoing, natural habit. Hypnosis is a guided relaxed…

Balance is a Beautiful Thing

Balance is a beautiful thing when we find the balance in any habit we can experience the best of both worlds. An example of this is drinking an amount of alcohol that gives us relaxation but has us remain conscious and in control.  When it comes to weight loss and eating, we could do well with eating enough to feel…

But it tastes so good….

Most people eat focusing only on the taste of the food. When the food tastes good, we can feel like we don’t want to stop. Before we know it, we have eaten more than we need leaving a heavy feeling in the stomach. Because the digestive system needs to work overtime, we feel slow and sluggish. To be free of…